Pet grooming equipment and pet grooming supplies.
Professional, high-quality dog grooming products, cat grooming products and pet grooming products for the discerning home user, the pet grooming salon, the pet grooming school, the vet and as pet grooming supplies.
Our pet groomers test all pet care products and dog care products for functionality and quality before we offer them for sale.
Our top priority is the quality and satisfaction of our customers.
We are happy to advise you and pass on our experience to you, because hands and working methods are different. If you want to open a pet grooming salon, we would be pleased to advise you at us in Vienna or by mail please contact us.
We stand for professional dog care with years of practical experience!
Unlike most providers, we have real experience from professional dog hairdressers working daily in our dog salons with the products we offer. You can be absolutely sure with us that all care products and salon equipment have been thoroughly tested before they reach our extensive assortment. Grooming supplies which does not correspond to the price-performance ratio in practice was already eliminated in advance. There is no reason to offer all available products if we have not really found an added value for you. The semi-professional products are also tested in the pet grooming salon and are especially suitable for beginners and home care.